Friday, October 12, 2012

DOG: yes or no?

A long time ago... 2 years to be exact...Dustin and I were considering whether we should get a dog or not.  We had a few...ok like 3... conversations about it and........that was pretty much the end of that fleeting desire.  I was...well....not so much for it.  (ok, totally against it, haha)  But Dustin, thanks to his friend Aaron who had just gotten a new dog, was convinced whole-heartedly that we should also get one.
I'm obsessed with hanging onto emails from mine and Dustin's past. Some people hang onto hand-written letters but since we don't have too many of those (thanks or no thanks to technology) I hang onto emails.

So today as I was looking thru my assortment of emails, I found one of the three conversations we had about getting a dog. haha. I re-read it and just laughed at the ridiculous-ness.  I emailed it to Dustin and he loved it too.  It's just a funny little something, and actually a very logical little something too.  I'm glad I found it so that if the "decision" about getting a dog (right now in our lives) ever comes up again, I can whip out this email and (humorously) present the "not right now" logic



(Dustin and I can NEVER recall the rest of the lyrics of that song)

hahaha. it is the only part of the song that people know. :) You can listen to it a thousand times and all you will remember is that little part. :) 
HOw art thou my love?  Want to go swimming when you get home? and get a dog also? I want one... one that will not shed... like Aaron's dog... :) PLZ>>>!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 What a little punk!!! Haha. I don’t really wanna go swimming, because the pool is still a pond my Love.  AND I definitely do not want a dog. ….why do you want a dog?  Please list the reasons.
1. Man;s Best Friend
2. Protection for my family.
3. Because we are protected with it, we can have babies now (Dustin REALLY wanted kids right off!)
4. Fun and Playful
5. If i get locked out of the house again, I have someone to confide in. (ahum, yeah story there)
Good enough?


LOLOLOL :)  That was funny.   Well I’m sure you already KNOW that I’ve made a list of reasons why we should NOT have a dog.  ….ahem:

1)     If you think a little runt of a dog is gonna protect us, I can just SEE the burglers picking the dog up by the tail and throwing it over the fence or squishing it.  That’d be the end of THAT brilliant plan.
2)     Man’s best friend---notice you never hear WOMAN’s best friend.  Someone must have discovered a long time ago that the woman and dog don’t get along. Period.
3)     Am I not fun and playful enough that you have to get a DOG to assist with your needs?!!?  It’s ME or the DOG.  And if you DARE start to say “dog” you’re out in the “doghouse” Mr!!!
4)     Someone to confide in? hahaha.  Since when do dogs talk?  Unless you speak dog-ese? ;) I guess you’d have to learn a new language then ;)
5)     They destroy things – the backyard grass would end up as nice little mounds it dug.
6)     They slobber all over…everything!!
7)     It would pee in the pool!  Hellooooo yellow pond water  lol!
8)     If it didn’t pee in the pool surely it would drink all the pool water which would eventually dehydrate it (all that chlorine) and it would end up dead. 
9)     Heck, It would probably drown in the pool
10)It provides target practice to all our neighbors with bb guns.
11)It would keep us up all night just barking away at stray cats
12)I would get jealous of all the time you spend with it and take drastic measures.
13)Chances are we’d forget to feed it and then it would be dead on our porch when we came home.
14)What do we do with it when we leave on vacation?!? Ship it to Flagstaff?
15)Hello to vet bills---shots, haircuts, and neutering!
16)We would have to buy EIGHT DOLLAR DOG FOOD!!! Hahahhaha.
17)YOUUU would get to pick up doggie poo but would probably forget and then our yard would be covered in it.  And when our pool is nice enough to swim in, our guests would open the back door and get a nice smell of doggie manure right before they stepped in piles of it on the way to the pool.

…other than that, I couldn’t think of anything ;) lol

Dustin didn't respond after that. hahah.  Not because he didn't have anything to say, but the email was time-stamped a little bit before we both got off work so he probably didn't have time to reply. ...maybe ;)  No matter the excuse, I won that little debate ;)   

Muahahah.  Mission accomplished! ;)


  1. OHHH, the dog debate. We have had it many times. When you get kids you will be outnumbered because they will side with Dustin. We had the world's worst dog and it wasn't fun. Years passed in order to recover from that. Now we have a really good dog and it is fun. But many of your negative points are still true about a dog, so..... who really knows the answer?????

  2. To dog or not to dog, that is the question. I have always been an animal lover, so it's a no brainer for me. But......I do love a clean house and it's really hard to keep a really clean house if you have animals. If I were you, young, newly married, no kids yet, I'd wait until you're tied down (I mean blessed) with children. Then you might as well just get a dog if you have kids because they're alot alike. Dogs don't like to home alone too much either. But they're fun and cute. It's a real dilema. Want a cute little blonde dog? I happen to have one.
