do the memories of all the crazy things you say or do stick with you
from YEARS past? Yet when you try to recall that person’s name, your old address, or something else of MORE importance…you
just can’t remember? I guess that's just how life goes. And for that,
I don't think this memory will ever leave me........
So! Since it has come up to the forefront of my mind today (and forever), I thought I'd share. Thankfully I have learned to laugh at the memory, assuming that everyone else has forgotten about it....except me of course.
Here we go:
years ago when we were getting ready to move into our house, the
previous owners gave me and my realtor a quick breakdown of funky
little things the house had/didn’t have. Cuz every house
has that one nob you have to turn just right, or the washer you have to
kick before it starts working ;) hah.

The "tour" was helpful
especially since our house has a pool with a really old pump that we had no idea how to work. So we're half-way through the "tour" and the previous owners, my realtor, and myself are standing there talking and….
Ok, let
me just put it out there that one thing I know about myself is that I
talk too fast and slur my words and sometimes I am not really sure what I’m going
to say when I'm speaking, so sometimes my words come out weird
or…come out when I didn’t mean for them to….. ahem…
we’re talking about the keys. My realtor says “Do you have the house key?”
to which I respond (and here we go).....
“Yeah, but we’re going to
get the locks changed tomorrow. Cuz my dad told me that’s
the first thing you want to change when you move into a new house
because you never know WHO had a key to the house and don't want them coming back to ………..and……..I trailed off……..
I'm standing there thinking....“Oh.
My. Gosh. Why did I just say that? and…….holding… my… breath.. I
look….into straight faces and no one is saying anything. Crap. For reals Shaleice, you might as WELL
have said “I’m sure there’s someone crazy in your family who has a key
who I should be worried about breaking in and stealing all our stuff so that's why we're changing the locks -- to keep them out!!” …. Glad THAT wasn't offensive or anything... Thanks for the house. See ya.
I had serious need for a bag right then.....

So now I can laugh, but at that time...holy, talk about awkward. Glad that's over and we can move on.... to more awkward adventures that await I'm sure ;) haha.
We live and learn :)
Shaleice, that is so funny! I laughed out loud. I am prone to doing embarassing things just like that and they haunt me forever after! But I guess they do serve as a funny story...