Saturday, September 8, 2012

Emma Smith (A Song for Sunday)

This song holds special memories for me. I saw the band who created this song, live in my tiny hometown of Thatcher years ago when I was in high school.  My friend Joe bought their CD, Nashville Tribute to the Prophet Joseph Smith, for me for my birthday, and I can't even tell you how many times I've listened to it. Music can be so inspiring.

This week I got a little sick, which is one reason for my lack of posting... but I realized that when I get down or tired or overwhelmed...EVERY TIME, I think of this song.  I think of this amazing woman, Emma Hale Smith, wife of the Prophet Joseph Smith, who endured so much more than  I will ever have to -- buried her children who died in her arms,  stood by her husband as he was hated and persecuted for the gospel's sake, and eventually having to watch him be taken away, an innocent man, to die a martyr for the God they loved so much.

Emma wrote these words in a letter to her son, Joseph III, in 1869:
 “I have seen many, yes very many, trying scenes in my life which I could not see…where any good could come of them…But yet I feel a divine trust in God that all things shall work for good.”

This song reminds me to be strong, to keep going, because she did, so I can too.

I absolutely love this video, Joseph Smith: The Prophet of the Restoration (available on YouTube!).  The video below contains parts from this video. It depicts the life of Joseph Smith, Emma Smith, and the members of the early church and the things they went through.  Definitely worth the watch if you've never seen it before :)

Emma Smith


  1. Shaleice!!!! Somehow I missed that you even had a blog! I just read through all your posts, you are so talented. Your house is darling, and I love all the cute ideas you have. You and Dustin have a very sweet relationship. You are a talented blog writer so keep it up! I am a follower now....

    1. Awww, thanks Aunt Bev :) Yeah, I was planning to get my blog going a little before I made it a "public announcement" that I had one...and then I just forgot. haha. Do you have a blog? I've been checking out your Pinterest and re-pinning stuff for future ideas ;) Aw well thanks for following. And yes, I agree that Dustin and I have an awesome relationship, and I remind him of that everyday. hahaha ;) Love you!
