Sunday, September 2, 2012

Father's Day Gift Wrapping

We mentioned Mothers in a previous post so I figured we just CAN'T leave out Fathers!!!

On Father's Day, my mom, dad, and little brother were on their way to Chile to pick up my other little brother from his 2 year mission he served for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.

I knew their plane ride would be waaayyyyy loonnnnggg, so Dustin and I decided to get my dad a battery-operated video game (Tetris).  That way he would have something to make that time "fly by." har har har. ;)

I wanted to make it "somewhat cute" even though guys don't really care about the cutesy stuff...
that's how I roll. :)
 1) I wrapped the game in some brown paper bag wrapping stuff. Yep, that's the correct name for it too.  
2) I had this piece of paper in my stash of print-outs from FOREVER ago and when I saw it, I immediately pictured dad. That's not to say that my dad has a crazy mustache and wacky glasses or anything, but my dad is one funny guy.  He LOVES to joke around.
 I folded the print-out in half to make an easy card, then taped it to the wrapped present.

3) Next, came the"icing on the cake"
He's a guy.....guys don't like bows...they don't like fancy pretty what little something should I add??
I've got it:
Man I'm genius sometimes.  ....Ok, actually thank Pinterest for that "inspiration."

 I just cut some ribbon and pointed it at the ends.
And then I called on Dustin to tie it for me since I don't know how. Yep, he's never taught me. Blame him. ;)

And voila!
Father's Day Gift Wrapping.

When my dad saw it, he thought it was pretty funny. :)  
Props to me!.....and Pinterest ;)

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