Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Week 34

Baby Center:  
Your baby now weighs about 4 3/4 pounds (like your average cantaloupe) and is almost 
18 inches long.
How your life's changing: By this week, fatigue has probably set in again, though maybe not with the same coma-like intensity of your first trimester. Your tiredness is perfectly understandable, given the physical strain you're under and the restless nights of frequent pee breaks and tossing and turning, while trying to get comfortable.
You’re gettin big! I can feel you trying to “prison break” out of my tummy all the time! Hahaha.  I often touch my tummy and wonder if that bulge is your foot or your little hand… it makes me excited that soon I won’t have to sit around and wonder.  Your dad, oh my gosh, he is SO excited.  He’s ready for you to come like, right now.  :)  I feel like I’m still in preparation mode so….just wait at least 2 more weeks ok? Haha. I’m wanting to get your nursery all set up and perfect and ready for you, even though your dad says that YOU really don’t care, haha.  That’s true of course, but mom cares and she wants it to be perfect for you.  Your dad and I washed all the cute clothes and blankets you got from the baby shower.  (Dad does quite a lot of laundry and cleaning these days – so helpful!)   Last night we sorted all your clothes and blankets out and put them away in the dresser I painted for you, and the cute bins I got.  Everything in your room has its place.  I had to give your dad a little tour telling him where things belonged – “onsies and socks in this drawer, burp cloths and receiving blankets in the gray boxes, blankets in the big basket….etc.”  We’ll see if your dad can remember all that. haha. ;) 
A few days ago we took a hospital tour.  And it’s a GOOD THING cuz your dad and I had no idea where we were going, hahaha.  We ended up circling the entire hospital, and even parking over by the rehabilitation center and went inside (which is WAY far away from where we were supposed to be), before driving right back up to where we started.  And when we did, there was the sign: “Mothers and Infants” with a big ol’ arrow. Haha.  NOW we know and are prepared right? I told him it’s a good thing I wasn’t in labor or I may not have been so patient and PROBABLY not laughing about us being lost. ;)  So we get in there with a room full of pregnant women with their husbands, and your dad looked around and decided there were WAY too many hormones in the room!  Haha.  The tour was nice.  My favorite is the garden area right outside the doors of the hospital which is for mothers and their families.  It’s really pretty with trees and a little waterfall….it made me wish they had birthing tables out THERE instead of in a tiny room that will quickly be crammed with people.  I don’t like tight spaces….I’m not claustrophobic but I really like wide open spaces and greenery!
I read that it’s impossible to spoil a newborn.  OH GOOD!  Cuz you are going to be SO loved.  Your Grandma Teresa Boren will be a new grandma.  She’s excited for that title!  She’s always poking at my tummy when I see her and squealing that she’s so excited and can’t wait! :) Grandpa Darvil Boren is excited too, I just know it ;) 
You’re going to be the first little grandchild and the first great grandchild on my parent’s side. On your dad’s side you’ll be grandchild #23 or 24 I think…but Grandma Parris is still excited for you to come.  Whenever your dad and I are traveling to/from Thatcher, Grandpa Parris always tells your dad NOT to speed, and to drive careful because he’s got her grandbaby in the car with him. Haha.
Grandma and Grandpa Jerry and Linda Boren are excited to be OFFICIALLY dubbed the title “GREAT.”  :)  
Grandma Susan Belliston came down for your baby shower and planned and prepared all the food.  She did awesome and I wanted to just eat it ALL!  Cream cheese-filled strawberries, mini cinnamon rolls, lemon bars, yogurt parfaits, blue Hawaiian punch with sprite…. Yep, it was quite a feast which I’m sure you got a taste of, haha  ;)Grandma Linda Boren decorated.  She is QUITE the decorator—her house is so cool.  She made a big paper pennant banner and ordered you a little statue of a little boy fishing that’s sitting on your shelf in your room right now. :)
I’m getting more and more excited as it hits me when we’re out shopping for socks or a little bathtub and miscellaneous things, that you really are coming very soon.  I know you’re gonna change the lives of your dad and I, and I know you’re just going to make our little family that much more AWESOME!  (Cuz your dad and I are a pretty awesome team :)).  So excited to see you in roughly 6 weeks!  Love you already!
Love, Mom

A few sneak peek pics of the baby shower.  I'll post more when I get them from my mom. :)

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