Monday, September 10, 2012

Baby Flower Clips

So ok, let me preface this post with 2 things:

1) I am NOT pregnant...but stay tuned ;) haha
2) I am ridiculous when I try to be creative.

There. Now you are prepared and have most of your questions answered for what lies ahead.

SO, let us begin.
A long time ago....  ;)  

This was one of my VERY FIRST projects...EVER.....we're talkin 2 years ago when I first was discovering crafting. I made these for my boss who was pregnant with a girl ........(I don't even know why I even added the"with a girl" part. Duh.  Flowers= girls  Anyway.......)

I'm was pretty happy they turned out so cute but at the same time....I secretly really wanted to keep them. But alas, I gave them away.
So...since I didn't, and don't, have any kids of my own, I was trying to figure out SOME way to pose them so I could take a picture.

Enter in the ridiculous:

Yep, I really did that. I turned a vase upside down,
And to make it more "realistic".....oh boy...... I drew on eyes and a mouth.

I just laugh at myself looking at these.  :) BUT I will say that I'm pretty proud of myself because there wasn't a Pinterest with a great tutorial back then that I could follow or anything. I just looked at a flower clip I already had and said "Psh, I can make that." So I did!

What I did:
Took some awesome fake silk flowers,
Removed the yucky middle and took the flower apart,
Decided which flower petals I wanted for the flower,
Hot-glued the biggest flower petal to a small circle of felt,
Hot-glued the rest of the flower petals on top of that,
Added beads/buttons for the flower center,
Added glitter on the flower,
Hot-glued an alligator clip to the bottom of the felt.

And voila! 
Before: Left flowers
After: Right flowers

 I just checked and I still have a few of these flowers left SO.....maybe in the "near" future I'll be making some of my OWN! ;)

1 comment:

  1. Very darling flower clips. As soon as you have an "announcement" I hope I hear about it!
