When people ask how I like being a mother, I always say "It's so fun." It really is, and it's getting more fun every day.
There are so so SO many moments that have captured my heart, that I don't want to forget.
I love the moment when I walk into his room in the mornings saying "Is my little baby awake?" and see that handsome face light up with a huge smile through his crib bars.

Or the moment when I hand him something new he's never seen before, such as a spatula, and he gets so super excited he can hardly stand it. He makes the best facial expressions.
Or the moment when he knows it's naptime and he closes his eyes and cuddles into me.
Or bathtime moments when he discovered splashing and little squeaky water-squirting toys that he LOVES and finds hilarious!
And the moments when I've fed him pureed food....his face is disgusted at first, which is quite hilarious. He gets used to the taste and soon is downing food and opening his mouth for more faster than I can go!
And the moment at the end of the day as I sit in the rocking recliner cuddling that cute tired boy asleep in my arms, reflecting on how much we learned and explored that day and how much fun we're going to have tomorrow.

I truly have been blessed with a wonderful husband who works so hard and is supportive of me staying home to raise our kid and future kids.

I'm a planner, a do-er, explorer, and creator. I have so many fun things planned for Trevin and our little family, and am trying to capture it all through pictures and activities. There are so many things I want to do and explore. I've always got a project...or ten....going on. Dustin is very supportive of my goals and dreams for which I'm so thankful for. My goal in life really is to do as much as I can with what we can, and enjoy it, capture it, and share it. I have the best boys and am so glad I get to hang out with them every day. This really is my happily ever after :)

Ah i LOVE when you update! Motherhood is the most amazing and rewarding thing! I love that youre enjoying it :)