Monday, January 21, 2013

Week 15

On December 16th I was 15 weeks along.. 
(PS.. Now I'm 20 weeks but I'm gettin there....haha)

The official BUMP. wahoo! Kinda exciting...and kinda weird at the same time ;) 
Thoughts from Week 15: 
Feeling Sick? Yep. Even more over the past 3 weeks which is weird cuz I THOUGHT I was supposed to start feeling better now that I’m in my 2nd trimester. ha. My co-worker Jill Borton and I were talking and she asked if I was sick.  I told her it’s like a constant stomach ache feeling…and so I eat and it feels better for about 5 minutes, then hurts again. So I eat again. Haha.  Hope my little baby is not fat because of my “awesome” eating habits!!   ;)  The book I’m reading says to eat whenever I’m hungry…which is quite often so….I’m just obeying here ;)  Jill asked me how many kids Dustin and I want and then said, “Or should I not ask you right now since you’re not feeling well?” haha.  I told her even though I was a little sick, it's not as bad when I think about some of my friends who got SO sick that they threw up for like 15 weeks.  Yuck! Some of them got so sick during their pregnancy that they are seriously considering whether they want more kids or not.   I told Jill we’re planning for 4 or 5 kids.  We’ll see how it goes though. :) Dustin looked and pointed at my tummy yesterday and said, “Now, little baby, you need to stop making your mommy’s tummy hurt.”  Hahaha.  Sure Dustin, cuz he totally knows how to obey at 15 weeks old ;) hahaha.  ..............................I just said “he.”  Crap.  Dustin totally wants it to be a boy.  I’ll be perfectly happy with a boy or girl of course.  I think a girl would be fun to have first.  Plus I have a little stash of girl clothes and stuff. hahaha. Ridiculous I know.  But when you find good cheap stuff, you GOTTA hang onto it right?  Boy or girl I'll be happy :) We’ll see what the Lord has in store :)
Things that bug me: Everything this past week :(  Dustin is like, “WHOA THERE” cuz I get irritated at everything.  I don’t know WHY but I’m short-fused and I’m bored of everything.  I’ve been reading that it’s sorta normal if I’m cranky and tired (yep and yep) so…it just HAS to be the pregnancy cuz I’m not usually so irritated with things.

Things I crave:  Pasta. Holy cow do I crave pasta.  Spaghetti, ramen, macaroni salad, cheesy penne noodles…mmmm.
Over the past few weeks: corn, green beans, pasta. 
On my Walmart shopping trip last week: frozen yogurt, frozen fruit bars, frozen yogurt bars, frozen flavored ice.  ?!? …what was with the frozen thing? ....I have no idea…
Used to crave: Fruit and blue powerade.  My “sweet cravings” have totally gone out the window and I’m wanting GOOD healthy food. Not even on purpose either. ha. I have all these snacks just sitting in my drawer at work: dried mangos, teddy grahams, apple sauce, cashews….and I don’t want any of it.  I’m thinking about the spaghetti that’s in the fridge right now and it’s only 9am… haha.
Still do NOT crave nor want: shredded meat.  Even the THOUGHT of shredded meat made me feel sick a few weeks ago. Like, REALLY sick. Now, it’s sometimes the smell that gets to me but it’s not as bad as it was.  I still don’t want it though.  I was always ok with Arby’s roast beef sandwiches,or ham, or hamburger…but shredded pork, holy throw-up. Haha. 
Emotional?  Nope. Thank goodness. Well……..if you count the few times at work…. One when the fire alarm went off, and it scared me so bad I started like…crying. Hahaha.  The other time when I was talking to my work buddies, Dalton White and Shane Anderson, and I was telling them that I needed the blinds closed cuz it hurt my eyes and was starting to give me a headache.  Well they LOVE when the blinds are open and started teasing me about it saying they needed vitamin D and how I was going to take that away from them….and then I started crying a little bit, hahahaha.  I had to walk away so they wouldn’t see.  But holy..what the?!  Crying over blinds?!  Ok, so maybe I AM a little touchy on SOME subjects ;) hahaha.

1 comment:

  1. Shaleice, your blog is so fun! I like reading about how your pregnancy is coming along, all the different emotions/cravings/weirdnesses that come with pregnancy bring back so many memories - it's good you're writing it all down. I've been trying to comment for a while but my computer wouldn't let me. Keep up the good work!
