Wednesday, January 16, 2013

I'm Pregnant?! My First Thoughts

 As I said in my last post, I've been slacking on keeping up with the blog.
Hence, this week we'll be doing a little back-tracking to catch things up to speed with being PREGNANT! :) 

I kept a Word document going at work updating my thoughts, feelings and experiences of my pregnancy. Finally I got smart and decided I needed to be putting these things on my BLOG. After all, the "us" part of "You, Me, & Us" is about to have a little addition ;)

Am I Pregnant?
I have to be pregnant.  We're ready to have a baby after all and…for the last few days my stomach has started feeling a little funny when I make movements like rolling over in bed or bending down… I feel like I just jumped on a trampoline after drinking a bunch of water or something. Haha. And also....I'm late… .Today is day 6 of being late.  I took a pregnancy test and it was negative. But I know something is up.... 

Yes, I’m Pregnant!
I waited a few more days since the last test… my period never came.  Today is late day #10.  Last night, Friday, Dustin and I bought the most expensive pee stick EVER for $10 at Walgreens….at 9:30 at night… When we bought the prego test….I already knew I was pregnant.  I HAD to be. But I HAD to have it confirmed.

This morning I wanted to test before Dustin left for work.  Just so we would KNOW for SURE ya know?  So at 5:20am, I tested. ……………and................ I screamed! …..haha.  The funniest part of the story is that Dustin yelled from our room: “Did you pee on your hand?” ……… hahahha.  (No Dustin,duh! haha)

  I started like…. laughing/crying/kinda freaking out…and said “No. Babe…..come look at this.”  He comes in, I show him the big fat plus sign from the test and say “I’m pregnant!”  He gets a big smile on his face, kisses me and then says “Babe! We’re gonna have a baby!”  and started dancing around. haha.… I didn’t know what I was thinking….. for the past few months I started gathering pregnancy material and thinking how awesome it’s gonna be to have kids. ….and I think now that it’s finally HERE I can’t believe it.  I has not sunk in yet.

I immediately called my mom – yes, at 5:30 in the morning, and she was soooo excited! Haha.  Mom handed the phone to dad whose first words were “I’m too young to be a grandpa.”  Totally joking of course cuz that’s just dad :)  I told him “Well, it’s too late now”  ;) haha.  He said congrats and deep down I think he’s pretty excited ;)  It will be fun to watch him be a grandpa :)  And my mom is gonna spoil this kid rotten!
Little baby, your dad Dustin is so wonderful I’ll have you know.  He’s SOOO excited :)  He kissed my tummy before he went to work this morning. And he called from work today to see how “me and the fetus” are doing. Haha.  He’s so good with kids – his nieces and nephews and 2 year old girl in our ward, Riley McKnight who LOVES him.  Whenever we babysit, Riley just hangs onto Dustin like he is her dad.  Riley always comes and sits with us in church.  Hope she doesn’t get all jealous when she realizes she won’t be number one anymore in about 8 months… ;)

I called the maternity doctor’s office – they’re closed on Saturdays. I’m interested to see how far along I am.  I don't really know how the calculations work, not gonna lie.
So before I was pregnant people tried to reserve a spot in line to be told when I was officially pregnant. But funny that when things actually played out.... it just kinda... spilled how it spilled.  Dustin of course was 1st, my mom, and dad were 2nd and 3rd…. and then the most random thing…. A guy from our ward called…. At 7am.  Funny guy….Jeremy Gee.  I was supposed to use Dustin’s truck to help him and his VERY pregnant wife move out of their house.  When he called though he said that his painter had just cancelled and asked if I could help paint………… immediately my thoughts were  “paint fumes.... bad for the baby…maybe…right?… Before I said anything, I told him to put his wife Ashley on the phone.  She apologized for her husband’s ridiculous phone call and said I didn't have to help paint if I didn't want to.  And then it just kind of slipped out, "I wouldn't mind helping honestly but....I'm pregnant...and I don't know if that's a bad thing right now or....."   She got super excited and asked me when I found out.  "um....this morning actually."  hahahha.

It was good to be able to talk to her later though about being pregnant.  She is due in 2 weeks so it was neat to get answers to my pregnancy questions since she had been there.

Before I helped them move, I called Carol, my mother-in-law.  I told her and.............she didn't say anything.  So I talked a little bit more...........and she didn't say anything. .......So I fumbled for a few more sentences......... nothin.  Finally I was like, "so....are you excited or...?"   And she said, "THAT's how you're going to tell me?  You're so crafty and creative and all I'm getting is a phone call?  I was expecting something super cute and creative."  ........hahahha.  whoops ;)  I told her it was coming............and that I had a few creative ideas on how to announce the gender so.... THAT will be a surprise ;)

As you can see, the water-weight had already begun. haha.

Overall, it's been pretty crazy...just knowing that growing inside of me is a little life.

Dustin and I are very excited for him/her to come join our little family :)
He/She is going to love it :)


  1. I bet you think I'm nuts for always commenting, but I am so excited for you and I love to hear about your pregnancy! We are fairly close in due dates so it's fun to compare! We miss you!

    Shaine and Emilee

  2. It's a gift from God. Im happy for you guys.
