Friday, August 24, 2012

I'm Learning

I think I’m learning. Learning that I don’t have time for everything and will have to pick and choose.  Learning that I need to lessen my “to-do” lists and live life a little bit more. More laughing. More just going out and having fun. And do the things that really matter like spending time with Dustin, and studying the gospel, and serving others around me.  It’s been a big challenge for me. I feel like I’m talented in a lot of areas and sometimes I just want to do everything all at once.  This usually results in me feeling stressed and overwhelmed. Dustin knows that and always encourages me to focus on one thing at a time. It’s hard for me. Crafting/Blogging has become a new interest of mine....more like an addiction ;)  It’s been super fun to do projects, test out some new DIY's I've seen on Pinterest, and make our house look great.  But I feel that unless I’m using these talents for good to help/bless others, my family included….it almost doesn’t count for anything.  I’m trying to keep a perspective on things. Trying.  I’ve been pinning recipes to hopefully become a better cook. I’ve been pinning “perfect little gift ideas” I can make to take to my visiting teachers. I’ve been pinning FHE and Primary and emergency preparedness ideas to use for our family and church.    Again, it’s hard and I get sidetracked because I have so many things I want to do.  
Sometimes I think “If ONLY I had a week or a MONTH off work,  I would be able to everything I want to do like….
Learn how to TAKE great pictures. And save and organize them.
And make some Shutterfly books.
And clean out that back craft room.
And get all those little projects done in my house.
And set up an Etsy shop.
And record those piano songs I’ve written.
And finish the songs I’ve had in my head forever.
And try some new sewing projects and other DIY projects I have on my Pinterest boards.
And clip coupons and learn to cook!
And read the Ensign and my scriptures.
….But I've got to get that “if only” phrase out of my head.  I've got remember that things will work out and if I manage my time wisely, I can do the things that matter most. I will keep praying for perspective because in the end, it’s the people that matter most, and how I spent my time with them.  I want to always remember that.  I’m learning.


  1. Oh Shaleice! I'm so happy you started your own blog! You are going to be an amazing blogger just like you are at everything else. It's good for us to have those lists we'd like to check off right now, it gives us things to work on and to challenge ourselves to be better. Your home is adorable and you have so many talents to share and a lifetime to do it. Enjoy this time in your life, it goes by so fast. Trust me. It does. Welcome to the blogging community:)

  2. Many of us feel the same way you do, but if you do the things that matter most like praying personally and as a couple, scripture study, attend church and Temple,etc. then the time, energy, and motivation for the other stuff will come ;)

  3. :) I agree -- we gotta prioritize and keep the things that are important coming first. Always family and the church. :) Thank you dear Aunties of mine for the sound advice and words of wisdom :)
